Grumpy Nostalgia: Second Look Cinema
A second look at our favorite movies, without the fog of nostalgia
Grumpy Nostalgia: Second Look Cinema
Tomb Raider (2001) SE04;EP13
Grumpy Nostalgia
Season 4
Episode 13
Angie's eyebrow is the real star here. A mish-mosh video game movie set to Matrix music and a lot of titillation. (Pun definitely intended). Tomb Raider is a neat example of how Hollywood came kicking and screaming into the female action lead era. Is it good? No. Has it redeemed itself over time? Also no.
To conclude the "Trail of Tears" mini-series, the boys take an internet poll to see if they've seen as many classic films as the average film-avoiding millennial. The results may shock and horrify you.